Fareham West End Chapel

Connecting people with God

Children's Meetings

All children welcome

Most of our children’s clubs operate during school term time only.

The Junior Church joins the main Sunday church service for the first quarter of an hour and then leaves to enjoy their own activities while the main service continues.

Wednesday 6:30pm - Good News Club - A structured children's club for children in years R to 4.

Friday 9:00 am - Little Sparrows - For pre-school children and their carers. The toddlers enjoy playing with the toys, doing simple crafts and singing. Refreshment provided. Suggested donation 30p. Email: littlesparrows@westendchapelfareham.org.uk

Friday 7.30 pm - Transformers - Youth group for year 7 upwards. Games, craft, short talk and occasional trips.

Body Builders - A monthly inter-church youth event for those in school years 6 to 10 is held at Duncan Road Church, Park Gate, SO31 1BD. For further details, contact Gordon Curley www.gcurley.info, phone 01489 582395, mobile 07889 798636.